Life Out of Death

Life Out of Death

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Terminology Reveals Theology "Kingdom"

The 21st Century is proving to be the time of change. Political change has brought our country to more of a socialistic government with intrusion into every area of our life. Our democracy has taken a new twist with Executive order becoming the authoritative pen of legislation instead of the Congress. Many Americans find this unacceptable and are speaking out therefore calling for a renewal to our Constitution which is the document that spells out our freedoms.

In the same manner the church in the West is drifting away from the limits of scripture. The authority and document that believers hold dear is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. I am not nearly as interested as some by the many translations of the Bible but I am concerned about the terminology that I hear from books that are being written and sermons that are being preached. For instance, the word "Kingdom" has become the key word of Evangelicals. The emphasis being upon the fact that all who belong to the Lord are part of His "Kingdom" and we are to expand this "Kingdom."

The past distinction between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven has been explained away by most of the more modern theologians of our day. One of the sad things that is happening is the fact that almost no one recognizes that this is the work of those who embrace replacement and covenant theology. Being a student of a dispensational point of view which most of my generation are, this is appalling and unacceptable. The emphasis that the "invisible kingdom" will usher in a "visible kingdom" and that the covenant promised to Abraham and David were conditional is really a grievance against the literal interpretation of Scripture.

These are days of different point of views and interpretations of the Bible, we should give each other respect and be willing to evaluate and reevaluate our positions concerning doctrine. My position concerning the term "Kingdom" is that it refers to the Jews and God's promise to them concerning a land and a King. All that God promised in the Old Testament and rejected by Israel in the New Testament gospels will be eventually fulfilled by the Lord in the future. When we confuse the church and Israel, we are headed down a road that allows us to interpret the Bible more figuratively than literally.

This is why I have done a series of sermons on the covenants at First Baptist Church Indian Trail  where I am Staff Evangelist. It is so important for us as Christians to realize that we live in the church era and not the kingdom era and that God will fulfilled what He has promised to Israel. I have made this series available to order. Contact me at if you are interested in ordering this series on cd! I hope you enjoyed this weeks post and it challenged you to get in the Bible and figure out what you believe! Next week I will be speaking on the term "the gospel." Thanks again and God bless!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Books I Recommend (The Unfolding Drama of Redemption)

In 1975 Stephen F. Olford recommended the purchase and study of Dr. Graham Scroggie's  book The Unfolding Drama of Redemption. Theologically this book has helped form my thinking and direct my teaching. The emphasis of the book and primary message is the progressive revelation of Christ through out the whole Bible. The Dipensational point of view has been rejected by many in the twenty-first century but I still believe that the Bible when taken literally will confirm that point of view.

I constantly challenge young men called into the ministry to get this particular work by Scroggie and study every aspect of this great book. Replacement theology may be the trend but I personally believe that every promise made to the Jews will be ultimately fulfilled in the future.

Preachers need to recapture the light of the scripture and be revived with the love of the Saviour. All of the Bible is Christological. Jesus is the theme and total message of the Word!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

In Christ Alone (The Blessings of the Trinity)

I'm very excited about preaching through the book of Ephesians this summer at First Baptist Church Indian Trail. This week we begin a mini series in this series on the longest Greek sentence in the New Testament Ephesians 1:3-14. I'm so excited about this Mini series because it truly is a praise song to our God. Below is my outline for tomorrow nights sermon. I hope this helps you out as you begin to study for tomorrow night!

The Blessings of the Father 
Ephesians 1:3-6

I. He Has Blessed Us (3)

A. The Source “God and Father”

B. The Subject “Us”

C. The Scope “Spiritual Blessings”

D. The Sum “All”

E. The Sphere “Heavenly Places”

F. The Standing “In Christ”

II. He Has Chosen Us (4)

A. What

B. When

C. Why

III. He Has Adopted Us(5)

A. Predetermined

B. Privileges

C. Pleasures

IV. He Has Accepted Us(6)

A. Freely

B. Fully

C. Forever

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Books I Recommend (Victory in Christ)

Henry Blackaby wrote the forward for the book Victory In Christ by Charles Trumbull. He said, "Years ago I read this book and my life and ministry were deeply and positively affected." I can testify to the same significance of this book in my life also. God used this work to enable me to realize the sufficiency of Christ as my life on a daily basis.

The Christian life is so complicated and confusing for so many who sincerely desire to live the abundant life. The key to the victorious life is abandonment and complete surrender to Jesus as Lord. Actually victory has already been won and must be appropriated daily by faith as we rely and rest in the Lord.

If we are interested in living on the highest plane then why not read not only this book but other Keswick sermons and books. Dr. Stephen F. Olford. and Ronald Dunn were influenced by these wonderful works. Manly Beasly and Bill Stafford were used of God to help me to understand the victory that we have and should enjoy in and through Christ.

Trumbull warns us of the perils of the Christian life. He encourages us to abide moment by moment in the Lord and live by faith in complete dependance upon Him. When the Lord lives through us, we will never be passive in life but active with the Lord. As God initiates his Word and will in us and we obey, then we enjoy the Lord as God intended for us when He created us.

I commend this book for you reading this summer. Read and become one who leads by realizing the Victory that you have in Christ. If you are interested in this book or any other of the books that I have recommended in the past month please go to our Ebay page and purchase them Remember the purchases of these books will help Life out of Death Ministries get the message of New Testament revival to the ends of the earth. Also if you are interested in hearing expositional verse by verse preaching I encourage you to download my podcast. Right now we are digging into the book of Habakkuk. I pray you are encouraged and remember "Readers are Leaders!!"